Monday, October 24, 2011

monday, october 24, 2011

You may read this and ask yourself. Why is this post in english now and no longer in german? Let me explain.
One of me best friends is livin in the US, too far away but still a sister, a soulmate. She kept asking for more information regarding Europe, Germany or better what the way of live is over here.

So I got an idea how to show her our 'way of life'.

Angela, me love - this is for you. ;)

Today my day started at about 4:00 a.m. With a sip of coffee, sip of cherry coke and painkillers. Cuz for some reason me night was.. well too short and I got a lovely headache the whole day. Nevertheless I needed to leave me hubby and our cheesy ear dog at 4:40 a.m. latest, to catch me bus at 4:52. Afterwards I need to change buses 3 times to get to Garbsen and start to work at 6:00 a.m. (you may have a look at google maps ;) )

10:00 am - lunchtime. Today I had a large mixed salad and a slice of well apple-peach or whatever pie, obviously can't tell. Finished work at 2:30 p.m. - finally and had a quick cig while waiting for me bus, taking me home.

Autumn is here and you can see all the great colored leaves out there - even if it already started to become pretty cold.

After a little walk, we are finally there - home sweet... well... you all know the rest..

.. and who's always there to welcoming you home? Exactly. Lucie is there, watchin TV and.. well is not really lookin too happy to seein Mommy...

As my baby is not happy to see me, I need to do something she really loves. Yeah, your right Hun. Head to the kitchen and get myself a quick lunch. Todays lunch? Pierogi, filled with peach, covered with some sugar and peach sirup. Hope you're not gettin too hungry, Love. ;)

As I need to get up too early for me and always get too late to bed, it's about time to catch some sleep now, as it is already 4:00 p.m. ^^

Woke up at about 6:00 p.m. to recognize that I'm freezin me ass up again for some reason. So what to do? Take a loooooong and hot candle light shower. Makes everything better, then everything else.

In this short version of me day, it may sound like I'm eating the whole day.. Oh.. did I already mention it? Hungry again.. Todays dinner? Worlds most delicious leftovers, Bigos.

I know.. it looks.. uhm.. ugly.. but you better not look at it, but eat and enjoy. Nothing more. Just nomnomnom. lol. Oh wait. There has been something more. Cuz I tried to eat and watch last weeks episode of...? Yeah.. you know it, I know it... no need to beat around the bush..

What? Why I only tried to eat? Cuz actually I kept starring at the screen and punched the spoon right agains me chin. To complete the picture - course there was food on the spoon ... ;)

Everey day in this early shift weeks ends with: gettin ready to take Lucie for a walk. As it is windy and cold and foggy outside gettin ready for a walk looks like this:

Well, Love, this has been me day.. gonna get my ass to bed now. Hope you enjoyed. Miss ya.